Welcome to Bitwealth Cryptocurrency Investment!

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Our Statistics

Contrary to popular belief, Take a look at our user statistic.

10348 Online Investors
13746 Total Investors
1809875 Total Deposited
110384 Total Withdraw

About Bitwealth Cryptocurrency Investment

Over many years, we earned the reputation of a reliable, stable, and effective partner. We have come a long way in our development to become one of the most advanced investment companies.

More About Us

Bitwealth Cryptocurrency Investment's mission is to provide access to investment for a wide range of investors worldwide. Our experts refined the common investment scheme to make it simpler and more accessible, which resulted in the democratization of capital and the opening of a new class of assets in investor portfolios. Previously, investments were limited to a small group of related insiders and were made in hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. Since capital is raised from a large number of investors, we managed to lower the threshold, making investment available for everyone.

Join Today

Awesome Features

We will utilize your money providing a source of high income while minimizing the any possibility of risk in a very secure way.

We Are Reliable

A huge number of people trust us. We constantly work on improving our system and level of our security to minimize any potential risks.

We're Certified

We are a certified company doing legal business in the legal field. We operate international business.

We're Secure

We constantly work on improving our system and level of our security to minimize any potential risks.

We Provide Crypto

Our platform supports all types of cryptocurrency having an easy investment system.

24/7 Support

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered.

We're Global

We provide 24/7 customer support through e-mail and telegram. Our support representatives are periodically available to elucidate any difficulty.

Investment Plan

Take a look at our best investment plans where you will get the best profits.

Basic Plan

8% 24 Hours

- Feartues Included

  • - Minimum Deposit $30
  • - Miximum Deposit $10000
  • - 24/7Support

Standard Plan

10% 24 Hours

- Feartues Included

  • - Minimum Deposit $100
  • - Miximum Deposit $100000
  • - 24/7Support

Corporate Plan

20.25% 4 Days

- Feartues Included

  • - Minimum Deposit $2500
  • - Miximum Deposit $400000
  • - 24/7Support

Pro Plan

25% 24 Hours

- Feartues Included

  • - Minimum Deposit $1500
  • - Miximum Deposit $200000
  • - 24/7Support

Calculate The Profit

You must know the calculation before investing in any plan, so you never make mistakes. Check the calculation and you will get as our calculator says.

Total Return = $1025.00

Refferal Commission

The referral of your friends and family is the greatest accolade you can give to Mortivest investiment company. You gets 7% on anyone that enters the company through you.

7% Refferal Comission

Methods We Accept

We accept all major cryptocurrencies and fiat payment methods to make your investment process easier with our platform.